Çerez Örnek

Deans message

Dear Students,

Welcome to Faculty of Science

Ege University Faculty of Science, which has been continuing its education and training in all fields of basic sciences since 1961, aims to educate individuals who have the potential that our country needs in scientific fields that will play a key role in the world of the future, who are open to competition and do not compromise ethical values. The quality of education is continuously improved with our undergraduate and graduate programs in the departments of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Dear students; I would like you to know that the four-year education period is not very long and this period should be evaluated well. In addition, taking part in social and cultural activities will make important contributions to your career planning and will leave unforgettable memories in your life. On the other hand, you can be sure that we will always be there to support you in solving the problems you may encounter during your professional life. The future is YOURS!

I wish you all the best.



Ege Üniversitesi